how do we restore a skin after an electrolysis?
Cataphoresis is a special method after the electrolysis procedure, which:
skin pH
Numbing (Anesthetic) cream
Creams and gels that have the ability to cause a decrease in body sensitivity are ideal for electrolysis.
Creams and gels should be applied generously and should completely cover the treated area. It is necessary to apply cling film over the treated area (air should not get under the film). This will help the active substances to work more effectively.
The cream should be applied approximately 2 hours before the electro epilation session.
Remember that every medicine has contraindications. Before applying the drug to the skin, read the instructions/do a patch test.

Sterilization of working instruments
Thorough sterilization is a must and your health depends. Remember that even a slightest neglectance can cause serious consequences.
Electrolysis needles are always disposable. Tweezers can be used multiple times, but they should be thoroughly sterilised.
Do not underestimate the importance of this rule, because numerous microorganisms, bacteria and viruses get on the instruments along with skin particles. The slightest scratch or wound is enough for them to penetrate the body. Therefore, when it comes to disinfection and sterilization of instruments, it is better to be a perfectionist.

Disinfection - immediately after use, the accessories are placed in a bath with a disinfecting solution, an ultrasonic bath or a UV box.
Mechanical cleaning. Disinfected products are washed with ordinary soapy water, rinsed with water and dried.
Sterilization. It is performed in an autoclave or dry-heat oven. At this stage, even persistent microorganisms, spores of bacteria and viruses are destroyed.
Storage. Carried out in craft bags and UV chambers until the next use of accessories, but no more than 30 days.
Electrolysis on the face
Unwanted hair on a woman's face is something that many women suffer with. Modern techniques and electrolysis devices quite successfully cope with this problem FOREVER.
Thinner electrodes are selected for facial areas.

But, there are a few cases when this procedure is not recommended:
• Inflammation/rashes on the treated area.
• Cosmetology lifting threads / dental pins, etc. - be sure to inform your master about their availability. Not all electrolysis methods can work with metal on the face.
• Exposure to a sunny weather (please discuss it with your electrolysis master).
• Predisposition to the formation of stretch marks and keloid scars (see the pictures).
Hirsutism - is the growth of excessive male-pattern hair in women after puberty.
It affects facial and body areas dependent on androgens, namely moustache and beard, pubic hair, buttocks, and thighs. It is a frequent reason for dermatological consultation.
• Upper lip
• Chin
• Chest
• Abdomen
• Shoulders
• Hips
• Back
• Buttocks
Hirsutism is often confused with hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis is excess hair growth in areas where it is not normal based on age, gender and ethnicity. Does not depend on androgens (male sex hormones).

For hormone-dependent hirsutism, I advise you to seek help from doctors (endocrinologist, gynaecologist) and undergo an examination. Electrolysis WILL HELP you get rid of hair if you suffer from hirsutism. This method is safe for hormonal disorders, does not provoke new hair growth and eliminates the problem forever. Electrolysis can be started before or during examination and treatment; it does not affect the outcome of therapy in any way.
No other hair removal methods lead to lifelong removal of hair due to hormonal imbalances in the body. And some of them (for example, laser) can even worsen the problem.
Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice hair growth in the mentioned areas.
Differences of thermolysis, flash, blend and electrolysis

Thermolysis is the fastest method of electrolysis. The high frequency of the pulses provides vibration, which in turn generates heat. The result is a controlled micro burn of the hair follicle and growth zone.
Not effective on crooked bulbs.
Flash is a subtype of the thermolysis method.
High-frequency method of painless electrolysis. This method has high intensity in the shortest time - 0.01 seconds during this time the nerve cells do not have time to “react” to pain.
Effective for straight hair shafts.
Electrolysis is the very first method of Electro Epilation. It works due to the constant flow of electricity between “+” and “-”, an alkali is formed, which spreads along the length of the hair shaft, burning everything around.
The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a long time; it can take up to 25 seconds to remove one hair.
Blend - combines both thermolysis and electrolysis. Both alkali and high-frequency impulses enter the hair canal, which increases the burning ability several times.
The downside is the difficulty of adjusting the device settings.
All techniques are effective and safe in skillful professional hands.
Disadvantages of using a razor

The minimum period of skin smoothness is 1-3 days (and for some, only a few hours, then “stumps” appear).
Pimples and ingrowths (usually these are features of sensitive skin and neglect of after-shave and hygiene products).
Coarse hair. Unfortunately, this is the biggest disadvantage of shaving. As a rule, after shaving, the hair becomes larger, stiffer and blacker.
Not perfect smoothness. This mainly depends on the type of your razor.
The possibility of cutting or scratching – it is always unpleasant.
Irritation and itching. For some it goes away rather quickly, and for others it takes up to several days.
The device of torture
What is an epilator?
An epilator is an electrical appliance for home use that has dozens of small tweezers built into it, which, while rotating, pluck (and often break off) hairs.
Everyone knows the fact that hair removal with an epilator is a procedure that is usually painful to tears.
If hair removal on the legs can still be tolerated somehow, in such sensitive places as the armpit and bikini areas, the procedure is simply unbearable.

Do you still shave or use an epilator? Then I invite you to visit me

And the end result will not leave you indifferent to this procedure
To help women, epilator producers need to be inventive:
Here's a massage roller, here's a cooling attachment, and a bunch of other magic attachments that supposedly make the procedure painless.
Does it help? - No!
In addition to the excruciating pain, you get ingrown hairs as a bonus after this procedure.
The fact is that the epilator removes hair chaotically, in different directions. And even if you observe hair growth, you will not be able to remove all the hairs from the roots, some of them will break off and eventually grow into the skin.
So, the main problem of this method of depilation is ineffectiveness.
Numerous reviews from women say that, unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve 100% smoothness by removing hair with an epilator. After enduring a painful procedure, ladies sometimes have to “finish off” the remaining hairs with a razor.
Types of ingrown hairs
FLAT ingrown hair - most often this type of ingrown hair is found on the legs.

COMEDON-LIKE ingrown hairs or spiral-shaped - acne-type ingrown hairs when an ingrown hair curls into a spiral and a black dot is observed (just like a black head)

PSEUDOFOLLICULITIS - when bumps and inflammation form on the skin.

Treatment of ingrown hairs
For each type of ingrown hair there are special methods of treatment and prevention (that’s how complicated everything is). See the main recommendations in the brief below:
Bikini area:
1-2 times a week - enzyme peeling
2-7 times a week - gommage
1-2 times a week enzyme peeling + moisturizing cream
2-7 times a week - gommage
4-5 times a week anti-ingrown lotion.
Do you have these? Write to me and I will advise you on your type of ingrown hair
Summer skincare after electrolysis

While the skin is being restored it is very important to protect it from exposure to direct sunlight that may cause pigmentation.
Remember that the average recovery period is 1-2 weeks and follow the following steps during this crucial time:
Apply sunscreen with an SPF 35 or greater before going outside.
Refrain from excessive water activities – it might infect the recovering skin.
Keep the epilated dry and clean. Humid environment promotes bacteria growth.
To protect the epilated areas from excessive sweating apply calming powders or similar
The above steps will help you minimize the side effects of epilation even during the sunny months and help you enjoy your silky smooth skin.
Intrauterine device (IUCD OR ICD)
Contraindication or not?
Let’s start with understanding the basics of Electrolysis. There are three methods in Electrolysis
1. ELECTROLYSIS - based on direct current
2. THERMOLYSIS - based on alternating current
There is also FLASH - thermolysis (a subtype of thermolysis).
3. BLEND - combines alternating and direct current.
If your aesthetician works using thermolysis or flash thermolysis methods, you are good to go – these methods are safe to use with ICD and you can sign up for an electrolysis course and become one step closer to smooth and beautiful skin

Is it possible to shave or depilate between sessions?)
Of course ANYTHING is possible! But everything has its consequences.
Depilation is even occasionally useful during the electrotherapy course.
After shaving or waxing, you will simply need to grow hairs for the next electro procedure.
Some clients, due to life circumstances, interrupt the course and begin waxing or switch to shaving.
But this does not affect the result. After a while (for example, after pregnancy), we can continue the course of electrotherapy without losing the previous results.
Life of hair
Our hair has its own life cycle (just like other living beings).
There are three main phases of hair growth: anagen, catagen and telogen.


The phase of active cell division in the hair follicle. This division forms the hair shaft. Hair nutrition is provided by the blood vessels of the hair papilla. The hair “lives, feeds and grows” while this “papilla” is alive. (Duration is from 4 weeks).
It is considered that anagen (especially early anagen) is the most ideal phase for hair removal using electrolysis.

Transitional phase that takes a couple of weeks, during which the hair papilla which is responsible for feeding the hair follicle stops providing the nutrients and separates.
Since the supply of useful elements to the hair ceases, the hair enters its last phase. The hair follicle withers, ceases to nourish the hair, and prepares to separate from the papilla.

The phase of rest, and then complete detachment and loss. The blood supply to the hair follicle stops, the hair falls out on its own or is removed mechanically.
The new hair underneath begins to grow. This hair is considered already dead.
There are certain techniques for working with electrolysis to work with telogen.
Unveiling the Truth: Understanding the Side Effects
of Laser Epilation
Laser epilation, also known as laser hair removal, has become a popular solution for those seeking smooth, hair-free skin. While the procedure offers long-lasting results and convenience, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects that may accompany the treatment.
Skin Irritation: Some individuals may experience temporary redness, swelling, or mild discomfort after laser epilation. These reactions are generally short-lived and subside within a few hours to a couple of days.
Pigmentation Changes: In some cases, laser epilation can cause alterations in skin pigmentation, particularly in individuals with darker skin tones. This could manifest as darkening or lightening of the treated area, although these changes are usually temporary and tend to fade over time.
Sensitivity and Itching: Laser-treated skin might become more sensitive, leading to itching or a mild sunburn-like sensation. Applying a soothing cream can help alleviate these symptoms.

Scarring: Although rare, laser epilation could potentially lead to scarring or blistering, especially if performed incorrectly or on sensitive skin areas. Choosing a reputable and experienced professional significantly reduces this risk.
Eye Injury: The laser used in the procedure can be harmful to the eyes, so both the patient and the technician should wear protective eyewear during the treatment.
Recurrence: While laser epilation results are long-lasting, they are not always permanent. Some hair may regrow over time, necessitating occasional touch-up sessions.
In conclusion, laser epilation can be a game-changer in the pursuit of hair removal, but it's crucial to understand and be prepared for the potential side effects. Consulting with a certified practitioner and discussing individual skin concerns will ensure a safer and more satisfying hair removal experience.
We work with any types of hairs
For Electrolysis, neither colour nor hair structure is important.
Electrolysis tackles vellus hairs - with ease.
Black ones are the simplest.
Red and grey hair - no question.
A needle of a certain thickness is selected for each hair type. Also, if necessary, vellus and light hairs can be pre-dyed.
In any case, no matter what type of hair you come to me with, we will reach the finish line together!
5 myths about electrolysis
This is possible in inept hands and with a wrong setting. But don’t worry, this is not our case.
15-20 years ago this was indeed the case. Now a new generation of needles and devices reduces the level of pain as much as possible. There are also effective local numbing creams that you can always use before the procedure.

(In the armpits and bikini)
The current supply is targeted, only to the required area. Lymph nodes are located much deeper than the hair follicle.
Even with a hormonal imbalance, this is impossible. Electrolysis - permanent hair removal. During the procedure, the hair growth zone is removed permanently.
Electrolysis is used for absolutely all types of hair: vellus, red, grey and definitely black.
Disposable or reusable electrodes?
There are a lot of stories online and I heard similar stories from my clients as well: the previous skin care specialist gave clients their electrodes (or ‘needles’) and asked to keep it for the next session.
And it’s much worse when an aesthetician uses the same needle on different zones. For example, a face and a bikini. You are lucky if you were offered to do the face first, and then the bikini – but it could be vice-versa.
Needless to say it is non-hygienic and dangerous.
Also, needles are selected individually for each hair structure. There is no way that a hair of the same structure grows on a bikini zone and on the face.

Another nuance is that after several procedures the hair becomes thinner and a needle of a different thickness is required.
Remember that a used electrode may damage the skin and conducts current less well. The electrodes must be disposable.
Don't agree to take the ‘needle’ with you. If your aesthetician has them for a fee, then it’s better to pay a bit extra.
Top components in cosmetics
Oils (shea, argan, almond, sunflower, macadamia, rose, etc.) – nourish, save from dryness and flaking.
Vitamins A, E, C – effective in fighting the signs of aging.
Fruit acids – provide gentle cleansing.
Panthenol - ensures skin restoration.
Hyaluronic acid – perfectly moisturizes the skin.
Aloe – prevents dehydration, softens and soothes the skin.
Glycerine – has a moisturizing effect and prevents moisture from evaporating.
Seaweed extract – stimulates collagen production, restores elasticity of the skin.
Squalene – restores the hydrolipid barrier of the skin.

Treatment of pigmentation

If preventive measures against pigmentation have not been taken and you already observe dark spots on your face, it is time to take measures against it.
First of all, we should minimize or eliminate conditions that cause the appearance of dark spots.
Secondly, we should get rid of the already manifested pigmentation and try to make it lighter and less visible and boost the skin cell renewal process.
PHOTO TREATMENT or LASER REJUVENATION does not require special preparation – all you need to do prior is to stop aggressive procedures and taking certain medications at least two weeks before the first session. And as usual, protecting your skin from the sun is a must! These procedures not only eliminate pigmentation, but also improve the condition of the skin and launch the regeneration processes.

ACID PEELINGS - a light, controlled burn of the skin, as a result of which the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated along with age spots. The skin is renewed, and its colour becomes lighter.
SKIN CARE ROUTINE AT HOME - it is recommended to use products with an antioxidant effect. The components of creams and serums should include vitamins C and E, fruit acids and salicylic acid.
The best prevention is regular use of products with SPF before going outside
Mass market or professional cosmetics

When entering a store, easy to get lost with the number of cosmetics brands available on the shelves. With so many choices, it's hard to make the right one.
Modern cosmetics are divided into 4 groups:
Mass Market
The most accessible and inexpensive class of cosmetics. They contain a huge amount of “chemicals”, useful substances no more than 30%.
As a rule, the packaging says “miracle remedy” for everything at once! For acne, for uneven skin, for swelling, for peeling, etc...
Such cosmetics don’t cause much harm, but they don’t bring much benefit either.
As soon as you stop using it, the EFFECT disappears. Such cosmetics cannot “cure” serious skin problems.
Professional (salon) cosmetics.
Manufacturers of pro-class products usually produce their products for two areas of application: for salon use in the skillful hands of a cosmetologist, or for use at home.
Professional cosmetics require a special approach: it should be prescribed only by a cosmetologist/specialist; it should be clearly divided into areas for hair, body, face, etc. care.
The clinical effectiveness of such drugs is quite high: just think - solutions to problems can be achieved within a short period of time. Not many manufacturers produce specialized cosmetics.
Middle Market
Or in other words - middle class.
The beneficial substances in this cosmetics can reach 60%.
Pharmacy cosmetics are also included in this class. This cosmetics is already more expensive.
Luxury brands
These are expensive branded cosmetics. Such companies have their own research centres, laboratories and much more. About 80% useful substances. The brand of such cosmetics is known all over the world, so we pay almost the entire amount for the BRAND.
Body skin types
Like the skin of the face, the skin of the body has its own characteristics: on the back it is almost always oily, on the stomach it quickly loses tone, and on the legs and ankles, it suffers from dryness.
It is important to know your skin type well and provide your skin the care it requires.
Not to be confused with dehydrated skin - a temporary skin condition.
Dry skin needs NUTRITION to replenish the lack of lipids.

Inflammation (pimples), enlarged pores and oily sheen.
Be sure to pay attention to cleansing - scrubbing, enzyme peeling, gommage.
Soap and shower gel, creams and lotions (not containing oils).
Clay masks (white clay) and products with a mattifying effect are useful.
Sensitive to almost everything: weather, clothing, cosmetics, etc...
For cleansing, choose products with fruit acids, and for moisturizing, products with Aloe are recommended.
Do you have one? You are lucky!
To care for such skin, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene and moisturize the skin a couple of times a week with your favorite products.

Which cosmetics brand belongs to which class?
I have already written about the differences between mass market, middle-class cosmetics, luxury cosmetics, and professional cosmetics.
Of course, now you are wondering which brand belongs to which class.

Mass Market:
Oriflame, Avon, Maybelline, Palmolive, Lumene, Nivea, Dove, Garnier.
Middle class:
La Roche-Posay, RoC, L'Oréal, Mary Kay, Clinique, Faberlic, Yves Rocher
Luxury brands:
Christian Dior, Givenchy, Chanel, Clarins, Lancôme, Guerlain, Nina Ricci, Clinique
Professional cosmetics:
Renophase, Dr. Spiller, Decleor, Academie, Guam, Payot, Biotherm, Phytomer, Darphin, La Prairie, Algologie, Holy Land.
Scrub or enzyme?
As more and more affordable enzyme powders appear on the market, many people wonder whether they still need to scrub or not.
A simple answer would be: depends with what.
Our skin does not like the harsh approach - ‘squicky clean’ and ‘rubbed till it is bright as a new penny’ is not as great as we might think.
If you really do NOT like your skin, here is a common ‘care’ routine for you: “Polish daily with the most hard-core scrub you can find with crushed apricot kernels, salt or whatever abrasive tool have – a rough loofa or a dish sponge would do!” By doing this, you simply destroy the protective layer of your skin. Skin thinks that "bad times have come" and begins to "build up" more protective layers. It becomes drier and thicker and ingrown hairs appear.